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發表於 2021-6-26 18:32:31 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式

Everyonehad ever stared at the clouds up in the sky 設計師,at least in childhood, fascinatedby the various interesting images that the clouds reminded us of and imagingthe wonderful sensation lying on the soft clouds. At the time, we were so naïveand free in mind that even flying on the sky was accessible.

云的故事始于2014年, 在grado設計师Wendy Liu妞妞,的眼中,除漂泊的轻快感,云是一种柔嫩的有機形态。正如人對沙發的需求,也其实不是一味的正襟端坐,而是寻求多样的坐姿,以找寻最恬静的感受,或许是靠着,趴着,躺着或半卧着。

The story of the cloud began in 2014. In the eyes of Wendy Liu, a grado designer, in addition to the lightness of floating, cloud features a soft organic form. Just like what people want for a sofa: instead of keening on a stiffly square position, people tend to pursue flexible sitting positions on the sofa so that they can determine the most ideal and comfortable one at the time, be it reclining, lying prostrate, lying down or half-lying.


So, is itviable that we design a cloud-like sofa which can meet people’s needs for allsitting positions?


Sucha seemingly unrealistic idea, actually, requires incessant meticulousconsideration since the different part of human body needs distinct supportingstrength in the contact of the sofa, which means detailed and thoroughdeliberation has to be made behind its soft appearance.


ThreeUsage Modes: sitting, lying and sitting cross-legged


Finally,the first version of Cloud Sofa was born in 2014 as a graduation project withall anticipated sitting positions blended into the design which boasted smoothlines. The design of Cloud Sofa won the unanimous praise of the judges andteachers who showed intensive interest in and amazement at the soft yetthoughtful cloud which seemed to understand every possibility that you want tointeract with it, and responded to you with support actively.


However,the story of the cloud continues. Work and life experience in furniture designfor six years triggered in the designer new inspirations for Cloud Sofa: how toenable more people to feel the temperature of Cloud Sofa to them?


For the Cloud Sofa to be market-oriented, grado needsto rethink all related issues: how to successfully transform a work into aproduct? how to optimize the structure, and improve the quality to achieve massproduction?


After six years’ deliberation and constantexploration, the designer upgraded the shape and structure of Cloud Sofa in2020 again, aiming at creating the space aesthetics that grado has beenadvocating. The designer hopes the new version can be perfectly integrated intothe space and able to realize people’s fantasies about clouds, and beacceptable to the public in terms of price as well.


Theunique shape of Cloud Sofa, used in any space, is definitely a bright spot thatcannot be ignored. Yet its soft and perceptual curve, natural and poetic form,on the other hand, will help avoid incompatibility, allowing it to blend inperfectly with the overall home ambience.


CloudSofa is also suitable for some leisure places in the office sp幸運飛艇技巧,ace such as thelobby and the rest area which are ideal spaces for co妹妹unication, relaxationand inspiration, revealing the willingness of the enterprise to embraceinnovation.

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